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Customize Welcome Page, Query Studio and Report Studio Header Title

Started by jeff_rob, 15 Feb 2013 06:51:47 AM

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We're on Cognos 10.1.1 in a Windows environment and would like to customize the left side of the header on the Welcome Page, Query Studio and Report Studio headers to indicate what environment the user is in, i.e. Test or Production. 

We've been able to do this for the Cognos Connection and Administration page headers using the instructions in the Administration and Security Manual to modify the system.xml OEM section, but nowhere can I find anything about the left header in the Welcome or Studio pages.  I see where the IBM logo can be replaced on the right side, but that would be too inconspicuous at the required maximum 35 pixel height.

I've looked through thousands of lines of stylesheets and xsl, even JAVA Script and can't find anything referencing the left main header other than font, color, etc.  Does anyone know how to do this?
