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Encryption Problem with Cognos Configuration on Framework Manager Workstation

Started by donb410, 25 Aug 2005 10:02:59 AM

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I tried to create a new project from my Framework Manager PC.  When I changed Cognos Configuration to address the new dispatcher and tried to save the configuration, I got an error on the second item - Generating cryptographic information.  It gave no details.  When I try to save it again, a dialog box pops up offering to let me save it as plain text.  If I save it, the configuration completes, but creating a new project does not - says it cannot find user/password information.  If I click No on saving as plain text, then I get a Java error:

1. [ERROR]java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



There is a Cognos advisory out that requires you to update your JCE to version 1.2.2.

If you have not yet then you should do that first. Do the below on the computer that has FM.

1) rename your crnstartup.xml file.
2) Delete the folders encryptpair,signkeypair, and csk
3) rename crconfig.prefs file
4) copy the above three folders and one file from the box on which ReportNet server is installed to your local CRN_ROOT/configuration folder.
5) Open up Cognos Configuration and ensure that gateway and dispatcher values match exactly with config. on server
6)Under crytptography in your local machine ensure store symmetric key locally is set to TRUE.

Cryptographic generation has always been my bugbear with ReporNet configurations.
Pretty much, the above steps should help you resolve the issue.




Thanks for the info - I need an admin to get something on the network we have COGNOS on, so tomorrow I will do the upgrade to 1.2.2. I have downloaded the files already. Beyond that, on number 4 is crnstartup.xml the file I copy with the three directories?

Thanks again for the truly rapid response and the information!


No problem.

crnstartup.xml will be regenerated when you open cognos configuration. You should not copy this from the server.

