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Save the package or Project in PDF format possible using Framework Manager 10

Started by rajua99, 17 Aug 2011 12:24:33 PM

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Is there a way to save the Package in PDF format to send it to your customers to know what Query Subjects and Query Items  exists in each package or save the Project in PDF format also works for me.



Hi there

Nope, that's not how FM works.  However, BSP via MetaManager has an extension that can generate PDF reports. 

Obviously these are at a cost, but I reckon is worth it as its provided our developers an invaluable resource.



The only way I've managed this without a 3rd party tool is to run a model report to Excel and then edit that to suit my purposes. It is horribly messy and tedious though, so if you can get a 3rd party tool you'll be able to find a lot of great uses for it beyond reporting on the model.