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COGNOS elist hierarchy

Started by srini2mk, 29 Mar 2011 09:46:52 AM

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The hierarchy followed in our project is costcenter under a company for e.g : one company can have 100 cost centers.

We would like to make sure that when a User sees his list of available costcenters displayed in the hierarchy on the left of the Contributor screen,
the Company Code that the costcenters belong to is also displayed; 

So we thought of always giving a User VIEW access to the Company level in the hierarchy when they are given access to any costcenter
within that company. HOWEVER.. if we did that, then the user would have VIEW access to EVERY costcenter in the company... which isn't
what we want!

For example, suppose a User has access to only 5 costcenters in Company 500, but that there are 200 costcenters assigned to Company 500
in the eList. Also, he has access to 1 costcenter in Company 600 (which has 100 coscenters assigned to it in the eList).

What I would want the User to see is:

+ Company 500
   1111111 - CostCenter 1
   1111112 - CostCenter 2
   1111113 - CostCenter 3
   1111114 - CostCenter 4
   1111115 - CostCenter 5
+ Company 600
   1111116 - CostCenter 6

Any way out for this?
Thanks in advance.


Hi Srini,

If I understand your requirement, this is do-able, however will take a lot of specific user rights assignments and customizations.  So using your example this user would have edit / submit rights for each of your CostCenters in Company 500 (1 through 5), and then edit / submit rights for CostCenter 6 in Company 600.  If a number of users require the same access, then you may want to configure groups / roles in cognos connection (assuming an 8.3 or higher version of planning).

Unfortunately, there's no way to restrict how much of a parent is displayed if only given View access.  If that is the requirement, then explicit rights to each node the user(s) is(are) responsible for is required.

If there's another more manageable way that someone else knows, please bring it to the table.  :)


A user in one company can have access to only one cost center but should still be able to see the company name that sits on top of that cost center.



What about this:

Assign the user view rights to the parent node as well as assign them access to the specific cost centers?  What this will do is create 2 hierarchies in the contributor workflow.  Example using go_capex:

+ Contributions
-> Mexico

  + Americas
    -> Brazil
    -> Mexico
    -> Canada
    -> United States

Rights in CAC:
Americas, <User>, View
Mexico, <User>, Submit

Unfortunately, this is about as close to what you're looking to do as I think you can get.  As far as I know there's no way to create a hierarchy structure reflecting only the cost centers to which the user belongs with that single parent.  If this is the ultimate requirement, then each user would have their own application with the e-list hierarchy pertaining to them.  You would then run admin links into a consolidation application to combine every user's application.  Alternatively, you could build hierarchies within the single application to reflect the access each user would require.  Obviously this would only be possible if you have only a few users due to the administrative work that would be required to support this.

Again, if someone knows of a way to accomplish this I'd be interested to know.


I'd generate txt files with detailed Access Table specification for each user class in this case.

It can be done via some simple cubes in Analyst, allowing selecting desired Cost-Centers for users.

- Yuri.


I have one question,you already have a table where can you find the company and cost center used by a customer and/or attach to a user.

If you can bind the user name who request the report with that table where the information is store most of the job are done. just select company-cost center for your display and voila.

I hope this will help...
Regards Jacques


Quote from: ykud on 01 Apr 2011 08:40:11 AM
I'd generate txt files with detailed Access Table specification for each user class in this case.

I don't know that this will accomplish the requirement.  Access tables don't affect the application e-list workflow.  They affect the individual cubes / dimensions within the e-list items you've specified in the access table.

Quote from: jive on 01 Apr 2011 02:19:04 PM
I have one question,you already have a table where can you find the company and cost center used by a customer and/or attach to a user.

If you can bind the user name who request the report with that table where the information is store most of the job are done. just select company-cost center for your display and voila.

I think the requirement outlined is contained within the contributor application workflow page, outside of any reporting solution..    Not sure if that's what you were referring to..


Does anyone need to be assigned rights strictly to the parent level and see all the details that roll up to it?  If not, or if you are already assigning everyone rights to the children below the parent, then you might be able to change the view/review depths to the company elist items so that users cannot see anything other than the company, itself.

If you are purely wanting to display the company code or some ID with each of the elist items, you could simply just append the company code to the Item Display Name field in the elist and do away with granting rights to the parent company, altogether.