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Changing email distribution lists/user settings for Event Studio when migrating?

Started by kerryn, 08 Mar 2011 02:10:48 PM

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I have built a whole workflow for generating and distributing reconciliation reports based on events that are called by a job which in turn is triggered by database updates.

I have in the region of 30 events, each one linked to a report, that can fire a combination of up to around 120 emails depending on the event conditions across the reports.  This has all been tested in our QA system and now I want to move it to production.  The issue is that I want to change the email distribution path during the migration from the QA testers to the actual PROD recipients. 

My question is this:  Is there an easy way to batch change emails addresses in Event Studio?  I may be missing something obvious, but currently I see that I need to migrate the package and folders, then go into the PROD environment and modify each one manually.  Which would be very time consuming.

Thanks for your help.